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Sashiko – Boro Embroidery

Different kinds of Sashiko:  We LOVE Boro Style or the “Stabbing Stitch.”

Boro is sometimes called country stitching or some variation of that. It is the crudest of the sashiko techniques, mostly used to do utilitarian mending of household cloths and work clothing, and to stitch together the last bits of re-usable cloth to make cleaning rags (no paper towel in those days! Back when every scrap of fabric was first harvested as a fiber, prepared, spun, and woven  by hand, the preservation of work was thrifty. You wouldn’t have thrown away all those hours of handy work creating that textile and would use it until it fell apart.

We love the technique and look of this stitch and think it gives fabrics a beautiful folksiness, especially jeans and linen. Bring your garment or fabric remnant and join us. We will also have jean fabric swatches on hand that you can work with should you choose not to bring in garment.


  • Embroidery Floss – (Included) – (*Recommended #40 Sashiko – Cotton Thread White and Navey Blue –  The traditional color choice of Sashiko Boro Style embroidery.)
  • Embroidery Needles – (Included) – (*Recommended – Sashiko Embroidery Needless)
  • Water Soluble Pencil (White or Light Blue)
  • Fabric Swatches (Included)
  • Interfacing (Optional)
  • Templates (Optional) – (We recommend freestyle without templates for Boro Style.)
  • Measuring Tools (Optional)
  • Scissors (BYO or use ours)*We will be using standard embroidery class in White and Navy Blue for this class but we recommended #40 Sashiko – Cotton Thread White and Navey Blue –  The traditional color choice of Sashiko Boro Style embroidery.) We will also be using tapestry needles to give a similar effect to the traditional Sashiko Embroidery Needless.

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