Patricia Hill
Patricia HillMaker & Principal
The Makery San Jose

The Makery San Jose cultivates and fosters the creative spirit of ‘Handmade’ in the heart of Downtown San Jose.

The Makery San Jose is a creative space that cultivates a spark of the ‘Maker Spirit’ and encourages the exploration of working with hand and mind to achieve simple objects of beauty. From textiles, to painting and trend classes, to seasonal classes, we offer many fun opportunities to learn new crafts.

Each class is designed to walk students through the basic ‘need to know’, jam packed into a three hour class with a 15 minute break. We get our hands dirty but we create beauty along the learning path resulting in a custom hand made project that you’ll be proud of. Our teacher(s) are highly skilled artisans and can offer great insight as they gently guide you through the production process.

The Makery San Jose is the brain child of Patricia Hill, former Creative Director, Art Director, Graphic Designer, Fashion Designer and Teacher. Patricia started her career in the Los Angeles Garment District and found a love for computers in a 750 Macintosh computer that changed her careers path. She started out in publishing houses as a Graphic Design and rose through the ranks to Art Director for various design agencies and later lead teams as a Creative Director for Fortune 500 Corporations. Eventually married and moved to San Jose (Silicon Valley) opened a Advertising Agency and branded and launching products/services for high-tech corporations and was the Creative Director that branded San Jose in 2010, the rest is history! What remains, is her artistic, maker’s spirit to grow and follow passion to inspire others to tap into thier inner creative.

Thirty years in the making and in 2016 the leap of faith gave birth to ‘The Makery San Jose.’ Join us and have fun unleashing your inner child among friends at The Makery SJ!

Our Mission

To inspire, cultivate and enrich the lives of others by offering classes that unleash the inner creative mind to come out and play!


Success will not fall from the sky, you make it with your own hands! – Kuwaitez

Book your next class with us for a rewarding experience and find us on Social Media to stay in the loop. for Special Promotions on your next maker class!

The Makery San Jose Class Offerings

  • Makery Class – 3 Hour Craft Instruction $50.00 to $80.00 – Open to 1-8 Guests A Class
    (recommended for ages *15 years and up)

    Learn the basics within a 3 hour time frame with gentle guidance from the instructor.

    You will be guided through processes and technique methods for each project with the understanding that everyone works at their own pace. We encourage you to not rush through projects and work at your own pace as time does not matter when you create something beautiful.

    Join us for ‘Maker’s Night’ every Tuesday and we’ll assist you as needed on finishing up your Makery project (3 Hours Maker Studio Time $25.00). Reservations are required at least 72 hours in advance via emai:l or by call (408) 398-4191 to reserve your studio space. (Space is limited to first come, first serve.)

    Live music can be heard at the adjacent Poor House Bistro Blues Jam Night, snacks and a glass of wine/tea/coffee served at the beginning of class.

    DISCLAIMER: *Ages 13 – 17 must have a parent consent and liability release form completed before attending class. Please contact Patricia Hill at or call in ahead for a PDF form. Forms also can be filled out before class starts with parent being presant. The Reason: Some tools are sharp and need special care and attention, The Makery SJ wants to make sure your children are safe so we recommend a good maturity level and attentivness while working with some tools such as needles and scissors. The Makery SJ may require Parent(s) to sit in during class or be near by should child require assistance. We reserve the write to deny servcie should a child not be mature enough to follow direction and be respectful.

  • Tuesday – Maker’s Night from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm for $25.00 per person

    Bring your unfinished ‘Makery’ craft project in from a prior class and we’ll help you as needed in a social, festive atmosphere.
    For Reservations:
    emai:l  or call Patricia Hill at: 408-398-4191
    (Space is limited to fist come, first served. RSVP and book in advance today!)

  • Let us entertain you while you craft! Live music can be heard from the adjacent Poor House Bistro restaurant and blues joint, offering amazing New Orleans cuisine and talented musicians daily. Maker’s Night on Tuesday offers live music and a complementary glass of wine/coffee/tea.DISCLAIMER: *Ages 16 to Adult only.
  • Friday Night – Knitting Social  6:00 pm to 9:00 pm for $15.00 per person (Sept. thru Feb.)

    Bring your knitting and enjoy live music and a glass of wine while getting assistance as needed on your knitting project in a social setting.

    Live music can be heard at the adjacent Poor House Bistro offering amazing Blues, Funk, Rock and Jazz music. The Makery is a fun, creative atmosphere and refreshments are served at beginning of class and during break. (Refreshments include: glass of wine/tea/coffee and tasty treats)

    DISCLAIMER: *Ages 16 to Adult only.

  • Enrichment Class and Creative Workshop

    The Makery SJ can tailor an Enrichment Class or design a Creative Workshop for larger groups of people in our factory space at The Studio.
    Class Sizes can range from 15 to 40 people and can include lunch and refreshments.

    Creative Workshops are wonderful for teaching larger groups creative thinking through a tactical thought process and use of hand/eye skills in completing tasks with a emotional reward of completion. They are wonderful for business skill enhancements and team building endevors. Classes can be customized and work within budget constraints.

    Enrichment Classes are highly useful for young adults, elderly groups, trama patients, over active mind sets as the classes promote well being and self esteem.

  • DISCLAIMER: *Ages 13 – 17 must have a parent consent and liability release form completed before attending class. Please contact Patricia Hill at or call in ahead for a PDF form. Forms also can be filled out before class starts with parent being presant. The Reason: Some tools are sharp and need special care and attention, The Makery SJ wants to make sure your children are safe so we recommend a good maturity level and attentivness while working with some tools such as needles and scissors. The Makery SJ may require Parent(s) to sit in during class or be near by should child require assistance. We reserve the write to deny servcie should a child not be mature enough to follow direction and be respectful.

We are all about cultivating creativity and maker spirit in our community.

Before there is ever success or failure, there are experiments.

This year we explore experiments in process.



04:00 pm ~ 09:00 pm


10:00 am ~ 5:00 pm